Space Settlement Design:
The Collierville Aerospace Design Team

The Aerospace Design Team (ADT) began as the Young Astronauts Club (YAC) at Collierville Middle School in 1999. In 2001, we changed our name to SpaceX (the Space Exploration Club). In 2003 ADT was organized for Collierville-area high school students. ADT meet every Saturday morning, during the school year, to brainstorm ideas and work on our annual entry in the international NASA Ames Research Center Space Settlement Contest. Our first entry, in 2000, won third place. Overall, we won two honorable mention, two third place, and six first place awards. The last ADT was 2006.

Here are some of the award-winning entries.

2006.03.31: Vision:2020 is a self-sufficient transient space colony touring our solar system in the year 2038 AD. Vision:2020 is presented by the Collierville High School Aerospace Design Team (ADT) as our plan for the future of space exploration. If all of the economically powerful governments of Earth were to pool their resources and skills together, Vision:2020 could be our near-future reality. The events, procedures and calculations outlined in these pages are based on current or near-future technologies. Click here to read the Vision:2020 entry.

2005.03.31: Triangulum Cluster is an international space colony
in solar orbit in the year 2100 AD. You are invited to sit back and enjoy a journey through our solar system, with the crew and citizens of the Triangulum Cluster, a colony of 5,000 individuals (men, women and children), who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the exploration of our solar system. Click here to read the first place Triangulum Cluster entry.

2004.03.31: Biomat is an international space colony in Earth orbit in the year 2050AD. The Biomat (Biological Mechanical and Technical) colony was established as a logical next step in the exploration of space. In preparation for journeys to planets and moons in our own solar system and eventual
manned expeditions across the galaxy, Biomat is providing a stepping stone to the future. Click here to read the first place Biomat entry.

2004.03.31: DSE Alpha is a self-sufficient U.S. space colony in orbit around the Jovian moon, Europa in the year 2093 A.D. Our team discussed the discovery of Sedna at our SpaceX meeting and decided to have an “emergency” meeting to discuss how we could put Sedna into our project. At that point, our focus changed from Europa to “Europa and Beyond”. We brainstormed ideas and Alex mentioned Deep Space Explorer. We all liked it and it became DSE for short. Click here to read the third place DSE Alpha entry.

2003.03.31: Argon One is an Earth colony in orbit around Europa in the year 2083AD. The missions and goals of Argon One are many. Listed here are the primary missions of our colony: [1] Development of robotics for deep space application; [2] Research and development of Europan resources; [3] Study sediment deposits; [4] Map Europan ocean floor; [5] Study ion radiation
and the effects of radiation on Argonians; [6] Study Europan/Jovian chemical reactions; [7] Develop alternative power sources including plasma collection, ion radiation collection and the electrolysis of water--hydrogen collection; [8] Harvest asteroids for carbon, iron, magnesium, nickel, and diamonds; [9] Research, development and preservation of Earth species--plants and animals]; and [10] Provide a shield of protection for Argon. Click here to read the first place Argon One entry.

2002.03.31: Outpost Alpha is an Earth colony in orbit around Europa, the sixth moon of Jupiter in the year 2300. Outpost Alpha is the center of government, education, and culture for the Alpha-Omega Complex of human colonies in the Jupiter mini-system. Click here to read the first place Outpost Alpha entry.

2002.03.31: BioZone is in orbit around Callisto, the eighth moon of Jupiter in the year 2300AD. BioZone is a scientific colony to perform research, preserve endangered animal species, and grow food for the Alpha-Omega colonies. Click here to read the first place BioZone entry.

2001.03.31: Europa II orbited Mars until construction was completed. After all its inhabitants, provisions, and supplies were safely secured onboard, Europa II deployed mylar solar sails, escaped Mars’ gravity, and launched toward the outer planets. Europa II’s destination . . . the moons of Jupiter. Click here to read the first place Europa II entry.

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