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Roger Van Cleef Memorial Library Collection
62 titles presented to MAGS on July 14, 2006 by Ron Brister in memory of Roger Van Cleef


501. Korbel, Petr, and Milan Novak. 1999. The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals. Chartwell Books, Inc. New Jersey. ISBN 0-7858-1520-1. 

502. Pellant, Chris. 1992. Eyewitness Handbooks: Rocks and Minerals. Dorling Kindersley Inc.. New York. ISBN 1-56458-061-X. 

503. Hall, Cally. 1994. Eyewitness Handbooks: Gem stones: The visual guide to more than 130 gemstone varieties. Dorling Kindersley Inc.. New York. ISBN 1-56458-449-2. 

504. Kourimsky, J. 1995. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Minerals and Rocks. Sunburst Books. London. ISBN 1-85778-088-4. 

505. Pellant, Chris. 1990. Rocks, Minerals & Fossils of the World. Little, Brown & Company. New York. ISBN 0-316-69796-6. 


506. Garcia, Frank A. and Donald S. Miller. 1998. Discovering Fossils: How to Find and Identify Remains of the Prehistoric Past. Stackpole Books. ISBN 0-8117-2800-5. 

507. Twenhofel, William H. and Robert R. Shrock. 1935. Invertebrate Paleontology. Mcgraw-Hill Book Company. New York.. 

508. Beerbower, James R., 1968. Search for the Past: An Introduction to Paleontology. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Library of Congress Card Number 68-18060.  

509. Parker, Steve. 1990. The Practical Paleontologist. A Fireside Book published by Simon and Schuster. New York. ISBN 671-69308-5. 

510. Ivanov, Martin, Stanislava Hrdlickova, and Ruzena Gregrova. 2001. The complete Encyclopedia of Fossils: A comprehensive guide to Fossils from around the world. Rebo Publishers. The Netherlands. ISBN 90-366-15003. 

511. Prokop, Rudolph and Vladimir Krb. 1900. A Magna Color Guide: Fossils. Magna Books. England. ISBN 1-85422-829-3. 

512. Keates, Colin, 1992. Eyewitness Handbooks: Fossils. Dorling Kindersley Inc.. New York. ISBN 1-56458-074-1. 

513. Lambert, David and the Lambert Group. 1994. The Field Guide to Prehistoric Life. Facts on File, Inc. New York. ISBN 0-8160-1125-7. 

514. Steel, Rodney and Anthony Harvey. 1979. The Encyclopedia of Prehistoric Life. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York. ISBN 0-07-060920-9. 

515. Whitfield, Philip. 1993. From So Simple a Beginning: The Book of Evolution. Mcmillan Publishing Company. New York.. ISBN 0-02-627115-X. 

516. Gould, Stephen Jay. 1993. The Book of Life. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-03557-3. 

517. Pinna, Giovanni. 1985. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fossils. Facts on File, Inc. New York. ISBN 0-8160-2140-X. 

518. Eldredge, Niles. 1991. Fossils: The Evolution and Extinction of Species. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York.. ISBN 0-8109-3305-5. 

519. Fishcher, Jean-Claude and Yvette Gayrard Valy. 1976. Fossils of All Ages. Grosset & Dunlap. New York. ISBN 0-448- 14718-1. 

520. Bailey, Jill and Tony Seddon. 1995. The Young Oxford Book of the Prehistoric World. Oxford University Press. New York. ISBN 0-19-521163-4. 

521. Sutherland, Patrick K. 1965. “Henryhouse Rugose Corals.” Bulletin 109. Oklahoma Geological Survey. The University of Oklahoma. Norman. No ISBN. 

522. Campbell, K. S. W. 1967. “Henryhouse Trilobites.” Bulletin 115. Oklahoma Geological Survey. The University of Oklahoma. Norman. No ISBN. 

523. Amsden, Thomas W. and William P. S. Ventress. 1963. “Early Devonian Brachiopods of Oklahoma.” Bulletin 94. Oklahoma Geological Survey. The University of Oklahoma. Norman. No ISBN. 

524. Amsden, Thomas W. and Arthur J. Boucot. 1958. “Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Hunton Group in the Arbuckle Mountain Region.” Bulletin 78. Oklahoma Geological Survey. The University of Oklahoma. Norman. No ISBN. 

525. Strimple, Harold L. 1963. “Crinoids of the Hunton Group (Silurian of Oklahoma)” Bulletin 100. Oklahoma Geological Survey. The University of Oklahoma. Norman. No ISBN. 

526. Stephenson, Lloyd W. and Watson Hinder Monroe. 1940. “The Upper Cretaceous Deposits (Mississippi). Bulletin 40. Mississippi State Geological Survey. University, Mississippi. No ISBN. 

527. Wilson, Jr., Charles W. 1949. “The Pre-Chattanooga Stratigraphy of Central Tennessee.” Bulletin 56. Tennessee Division of Geology. Nashville. No ISBN. 

528. Thurmond, John T. and Douglas E. Jones. 1981. Fossil Vertebrates of Alabama. The University of Alabama Press. University, Alabama. ISBN 0-8173-0006-6. 

529. O’Harra, Cleophas C. 1920. “The White River Badlands”. Bulletin No. 13. South Dakota School of Mines. Rapid City, South Dakota. No ISBN. 

530. Clark, William Bullock, George Burbank Shattuck, and William Harvey Dall. 1904. The Miocene Deposits of Maryland (text and plates in two volumes). Maryland Geological Survey. The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. No ISBN. 

531. Adams, Geirge I., Charles Butts, L. W. Stephenson, and Wythe Cooke. 1926. “Geology of Alabama.” Special Report No. 14. Geological Survey of Alabama. University, Alabama.  

532. Feldman, Rodney M. (ed.) 1996. “Fossils of Ohio. Bulletin 70. Ohio Division of Geological Survey. Columbus. ISBN 0-931079-05-5. 

533. Grande, Lance. 1980. “Paleontology of the Green River Formation, with a Review of the Fish Fauna”. Bulletin 63. The Geological Survey of Wyoming. No ISBN. 

534. Levi-Setti, Riccardo. 1993. Trilobites (2nd ed.). The University of Chicago Press. Chicago. ISBN 0-226-47451-8. 

535. Levi-Setti, Riccardo. 1975. Trilobites: A Photographic Atlas. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago. ISBN 0-226-47448-8. 

536. Johnson, Thomas T. 1985. Trilobites of the Thomas T. Johnson Coillection: How to Find, Prepare, and Photograph Trilobites. Litho-Print, Inc. Dayton, Ohio. No ISBN. 

537. Larson, Neal L., Steven D. Jorgensen, Robert A. Farrar, and Peter L. Larson. 1997. Ammonites and Other Cephalopods of the Peirre Seaway: Identification Guide. Geoscience Press. Tucson, Arizona. ISBN 0-945005-25-3. 

538. Murray, John W. 1985. Atlas of Invertebrate Macrofossils. A Halsted Press Book, John Wiley & Sons. New York. ISBN 0-470-20084-7. 


539. Gazin, C. Lewis. 1968. “A Study of the Eocene Condylarthran Mammal Hyposdus.” Volume 153, Number 4, Publication 4744. Smihtsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington. No ISBN. 

540. Alexander, R. Mcneill. 1989. Dynamics of Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Giants. Columbia University Press. New York. ISBN 0-231-06666-X.. 

541. Lockley, Martin. 1991. Tracking Dinosaurs: A New Look at an Ancient World. Cambridge University Press. .New York.. ISBN 0-521-42598-0. 

542. Lambert, David, and the Diagram Group. 1990. Dinosaur Data Book: Facts and Fictions About the World’s Largest Creatures. Avon Books. New York.. ISBN 0-380-75896-2. 

543. Benton, Michael. 1984. The Dinosaur Encyclopedia: A Handbook for Dionsaur Enthusiasts of All Ages. A Wanderer Book Published by Simon &Schuster, Inc. New York. ISBN 0-671-51046-0. 

544. Wallace, Joseph. 1994. American Museum of Natural History Book of Dinosaurs and Other Ancient Creatures. Simon & Schuster. New York.. ISBN 0-671-86590-0. 

545. Norman, David. 1985. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. Salamander Books Limited. London. ISBN 0-517-14238-4. 

546. Wellenhiffer, Peter. 1991. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Pterosaurs. Salamander Books Limited. London. ISBN 0-86101-566-5. 

547. Clark, Neil. 1995. A Look Inside Dinosaurs. Readers Digest Young Families Book. Joshua Morris Publishing,  Inc. Westport, Connecticut. ISBN 0-89577-689-8. 

548. Burnie, David. 2001. The Kingfisher Illustrated Dinosaur Encyclopedia. Kingfisher. New York. ISBN 0-7534-5287-1. 

549. Callaway, Jack M. and Elizabeth L. Nicholls. 1997. Ancient Marine Reptiles. Academic press. New York. ISBN 0-12-155210-1. 

550. Johnson, Johnson. 1995. Dinosaur Skeletons and Other Prehistoric Animals. Victor Gollancz. London. ISBN 0-575-06045-X. 


551. Sibbick, John and  David Hawcock. Tyrannosaurus rex: The Tyrant King. Tango Productions, Ltd. ISBN 08118-0835-1. 

552. Sattler, Helen Roney. 1989. Tyrannosaurus rex and Its Kin: The Mesozoic Monsters. Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard Books. New York. ISBN 0-688-07748-1. 

553. Lindsay, William. 1993. American Museum of Natural History Corythosaurus: On the Trail of the Spectacular Crested Dinosaur. Dorling Kindersly. London. ISBN 1-56458-225-6. 

554. Paul, Gregory S. 1988. Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. A New York Academy of Science Book Published by Simon & Schuster. New York. ISBN 0-671-61946-2. 

555. Lockley, Martin and Adrian P. Hunt. 1995. Dinosaur Tracks and Other Footprints of the Western United States. Columbia University Press. New York. ISBN 0-231-07926-5. 

556. Desmond, Adrian J. 1976. The Hot Blooded Dinosaurs: A Revolution in Paleontology. The Dial Press. New York. ISBN 0-8037-3755-6. 

557. Charig, Alan, 1979. A New Look at the Dinosaurs. Mayflower Books. New York. ISBN 0-8317-6354-X. 

558. Dodson, Peter. 1996. The Horned Dinosaurs: A Natural History. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey.  ISBN 0-691-02882-6. 

559. Larson, Peter L. n.d. The Rex Files. Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Inc. Hill City, South Dakota.. No ISBN. 

560. Castro, Jose I. 1983. “The Sharks of North American Waters”. Texas A&M University Press.The W. L. Moody, Jr. Natural History Series Number Five. ISBN 0-89096-140-9. 

561. Russell, Dale A. 1967. “Systematics and Morphology of American Mosasaurs”. Bulletin 23. Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History. No ISBN. 

562. Welton, Bruce J. and Roger F. Farish. 1993. The Collectors Guide to Fossil Sharks and Rays from the Cretaceous of Texas. Before Time. Lewisville, Texas. ISBN 0-968394-0-3. 



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