MAGS home page

MAGS membership
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If you are interested in becoming a single, family, or junior member of the Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society, attend a meeting and check us out. MAGS meets at 7:00pm on the second Friday of each month (unless otherwise noted) Annual membership dues are: Family $25; Individual $15; Junior $10. If you would like more information about MAGS, please send us an email by clicking here.

If you would like to apply for membership, please click here for a PDF application, or here for a Microsoft Word doc application, print out and complete the application and bring it [along with the proper dues amount] with you to the next meeting you attend, or mail your application and dues to the address at the top of the form.

Some of the benefits of being a member of the Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society are:
[01] You can attend and participate in all events of the club, including [but not limited to] membership meetings, board meetings, rock swaps, field trips and other activities such as museum visits, science fair judging, geology, archaeology and paleonotology presentations at schools, scouting events and community educational fairs.
[02] You get free admission to the annual rock, mineral and fossil show sponsored by MAGS held at Agricenter International in Memphis. You also get to volunteer at this annual event.
[03] You can participate in field tirps sponsored by the Dixie Mineral Council [DMC], which are join activities between our club and many other similar clubs in the southeast.
[04] You get to expand your mind by learning from professionals, educators, and avocational scientists from many fields of study.
[05] You get to share your knowledge with MAGS members and the community.
[06] You can vote on all matters of the club [18-years-old +] as well hold office and help mold the future of MAGS.

Thank you for your interest in the Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society [MAGS].

About us
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Directions to meetings

Constitution and by-laws

MAGS objectives

MAGS membership

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© 1998-2018 Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society. This page last updated 01.08.18.